Dear Flying Colors,
I want to thank you for producing the beautiful Hawaiian Airlines 767-300 sheet which I used on the Revell kit. Encouraged by the excellent quality of your decals, I purchased 18 copies of 767 detail sheets for the use with Avigraphics, Flightpath and other brands. I think your decals are very reasonably priced and definitely worth the money!
I'd also like to mention your MD-80 detail sheet which I used on my SAS 'paperplane'. Since having a lot of MD-80 decals in my collection, I'm looking forward to re-release of the MD-80 detail sheet.
Thank you for producing such wonderful decals!
Juha Stenberg
Helsinki, Finland
Dear Flying Colors.
Thank you for the wonderful decals. The attention to detail on all of
the decal sheets offered is second to none. Your colors are always
spot on with very vivid printing. The decals are thin, yet easy to
move when placing. Best of all, they are screen printed! I really like
the excellent details offered with each sheet, which negates the need
to purchase a separate detail sheet.
Speaking of detail sheets, the
ones offered by Flying Colors are the best and most thorough that can
be found. With all of these great attributes, you would expect to pay
a lot, yet the pricing is very reasonable. Please keep up the
wonderful work, and keep the decals coming!
Steve Davis
Dear Flying Colors,
I have just recently purchased the new Boeing 757 Detail Sheet, the latest of at least 15 decals I have purchased that were manufactured by your company. I am writing to say thank you for producing some of the best airline decals and I can't express enough how great it is to have such fine detail and all needed items such as windows and the grey wing sections included! I have been modeling for some 20 or so years and these decals are among the best quality to work with.
I am interested mainly in U.S. airlines but I also build non U.S. airlines if the scheme is attractive. I particularly enjoyed the Continental Airlines 777 sheet and would like to see more Continental Airlines sheets in the future. I also am very happy with the Classic decals such as the United DC-6.
Thanks again for making the airline modeling hobby so much more enjoyable and keep up the good work!
Bob Beach,
Fairview Park, Ohio
Dear Sirs,
I have just finished using your decals for the Piedmont DC-3 and Metrojet 737. I have been modeling for nearly 60 years and I find these to be the best decals I have ever used. I obtained them from ATP.
I would like to see more decals for the DC-3, especially Lake Central, where I began my 35 year Pilot Career in 1957.
If I can be of any assistance with pictures, or whatever, let me know.
John Brown,
Palm City, Florida